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Scheduling AAPC Online Certification Exam Discrepancy between Examity & Meazure

Writer's picture: MedicalCodingbyJenMedicalCodingbyJen

AAPC/Examity Site Rules for Online exam

When you are on the AAPC website, and you are ready to press the schedule button, you will get two links listed below.

Status Scheduled

Standard Rules

You must be alone in the room throughout the exam.

You must have a clear desk and workspace.

You will be required to perform a 360-degree room and desk pan using your webcam.

Your computer must be connected to a power source.

You may not use your phone or smart watch during the exam.

You are not allowed to use more than one monitor during the exam.

You may not talk or leave your seat during the exam.

Your webcam, speakers, screenshare, and microphone must remain on throughout the exam.

You must remain within clear view of your webcam throughout the exam with adequate lighting.

Additional Rules

Open book

Bathroom breaks

Drink on desk

Special Instructions

You are NOT allowed to use headphones throughout the duration of the exam.

You are NOT allowed to talk or read aloud during the exam.

AUTHENTICATION/ ALLOWED IDS: Test-takers with expired IDs are NOT allowed to test.

ALLOWED ITEMS: You are allowed to have code books 1. CPT (AMA Professional edition ONLY). No other publisher is allowed 2. Your choice of ICD-10-CM 3. Your Choice of HCPCS Level II

UNAUTHORIZED ITEMS: You are NOT ALLOWED to use any code books 2021 or older books while taking this test. The use of eBooks are also NOT ALLOWED.

UNAUTHORIZED ITEMS: You are NOT ALLOWED to use any scrap paper and writing utensils (A Pen or Pencil) during the test.

PRE-EXAM: You MUST fan out your code book pages very slowly to show the proctor that there are no loose papers inside.

ALLOWED ITEMS: You MUST use an external webcam with 1080p resolution is preferred (minimum 720p) with a 6 ft cord to take this test. The usage of internal webcams is NOT ALLOWED.

UNAUTHORIZED ITEMS: You are NOT ALLOWED to have a phone in the room while you are taking this test. If you have a phone with you, place it in another room now.

UNAUTHORIZED ITEMS: You are NOT ALLOWED to have any additional screens. A laptop connected to an additional screen is NOT ALLOWED even if the laptop screen is closed.

PRE-EXAM: You MUST set up your external webcam with 1080p resolution is preferred (minimum 720p) with a 6 ft cord to take this test so that the proctor can see your computer screen, desk, and the profile of your face. You must remain within clear view of your webcam throughout the exam with adequate lighting.

PRE-EXAM: You MUST run speed test in the presence of the proctor before starting the exam.

TASK MANAGER: You MUST show the proctor that no other software or applications are running. Please end all tasks not related to the exam.

BREAKS: You are allowed to take a bathroom break. Your exam timer will continue while you are taking your bathroom break. You will also be asked to do a room pan once you return from your break.

TESTING BEHAVIOR: Proctor will PAUSE the exam and perform a complete room pan if any unauthorized or suspicious behavior is observed.

TESTING BEHAVIOR: Proctor will TERMINATE the exam immediately if any cheating behavior is observed.

EXAM RESULTS: Examity does not have access to your exam results. Your exam results will be available within 7 business days, please check for your exam results.

Copyright © 2013 - 2023 Examity ® All Rights Reserved. | Email Support | Phone Support: 855-EXAMITY

Meazure Learning Rules


  • Submit your confirmation notice to the proctor.

  • Bring a current, government-issued photo identification (ID) with signature (driver's license, immigration card, passport, U.S. passport card, state ID card, or military ID card). You will NOT be admitted without proper identification. Candidates who fail to provide proper identification will be considered a no-show and will forfeit exam fees.

  • In addition to the government-issued photo ID with signature, some exam programs require a second form of identification. Please review the "Additional Examination-Specific Information" section in your confirmation notice to see if a second identification is required.

  • Original documents are required.

  • Your first and last name on the confirmation notice must match the first and last name on your identification exactly.

  • Nicknames are not acceptable.

  • If you have more than one last name or a suffix listed on your government-issued photo ID, the same last names must be reflected on the confirmation notice.

  • Presenting name change documentation (marriage license, etc.) at the testing center is not acceptable. Name change documentation must be submitted at least one (1) week prior to your testing appointment if needed.

  • Report on time.

Scheduling AAPC Online Certification Exam Discrepancy between Examity & Meazure


  • Cell phones are NOT permitted at the exam site. Any examination candidate with a cell phone in the exam room will be dismissed from the exam room immediately and denied re-entry.

  • Smoking is NOT permitted at the exam site.

  • Food and beverages are NOT allowed in the exam area.

  • Personal items will NOT be allowed in the exam room and must be left outside of the exam room AT YOUR OWN RISK.

  • Friends and relatives, including children, will NOT be allowed in the exam building.

  • Please refrain from wearing colognes or perfumes as scents may disturb others in the testing center.

  • Bring earplugs if you are sensitive to ambient noise. If you choose to bring earplugs, they will be subject to examination by the testing center staff.

  • Computer-based testing facilities offer exam services to multiple agencies. There may be other individuals in the testing room with you who are sitting for exams from different organizations. The rules for their exam may be slightly different than the rules for your exam in terms of exam time and what is and is not allowed at their station.

  • Computer-based tests are delivered via secure internet connections. Internet connections are subject to local internet providers. While it is not the norm, internet connections can, on occasion, be lost momentarily, requiring the proctor to log you back into your exam. If you lose your internet connection, inform the proctor, who will assist you in logging back into your exam. Upon logging back into your exam, you will resume at the first unanswered question. Your exam time remaining will be exactly the same as it was when the internet connection was lost.

  • Candidates are strictly prohibited from attempting to access any outside information, programs, or websites while testing.

PROHIBITED ITEMS Candidates are expressly prohibited from bringing the following items to the test site:

  • Cameras, cell phones, optical readers, or other electronic devices that include the ability to photograph, photocopy, or otherwise copy test materials;

  • Notes, books, dictionaries, or language dictionaries (except as expressly permitted by the exam sponsor, see the Additional Examination Specific Information in your confirmation notice email if applicable);

  • Bookbags or luggage;

  • Purses or handbags;

  • iPods, mp3 players, tablets, headphones, or pagers;

  • Calculators (except as expressly permitted by the test sponsor, see the Additional Examination Specific Information in your confirmation notice email if applicable), computers, PDAs, or other electronic devices with one or more memories;

  • Personal writing utensils such as pencils, pens, and highlighters;

  • Google and smart glasses (any glasses with electronics);

  • Watches, smart devices, and other jewelry except wedding or engagement rings;

  • Weapons;

  • Medicine, including cough drops (except as expressly permitted in advance),

  • Food and beverages; and

  • Coats and jackets.

  • Hats, hoods, or other headwear are not permitted in the examination room unless required for religious purposes. All items are subject to inspection by the proctor if suspicious behavior is detected.

  • Please note that sweaters and sweatshirts without pockets or hoods are permitted to be worn.

SMART GLASSES: Candidates wearing glasses may be asked to give them to the proctor for inspection. No glasses with electronics, even if they have prescription lenses, will be permitted in the exam room.

EXAM SECURITY: Exam security is a serious matter. In addition to leaving all personal items outside of the exam room, candidates may be asked to turn pockets inside out as well as show that nothing is hidden under shirt sleeves or in the hems of pant legs. Also note that most sites record testing sessions. Candidates caught with prohibited items in the exam room risk exam invalidation, disciplinary action, assessment of monetary damages, and/or legal liability. If the proctor determines that you have brought any prohibited items to the exam site, the items may be demanded and held by Meazure Learning testing staff. Meazure Learning reserves the right to review the memory of any electronic device to determine whether any test materials have been photographed or otherwise copied. If the review determines that any test materials are in the memory of any such device, Meazure Learning reserves the right to delete such materials and/or retain them for subsequent disciplinary action. Upon completion of the review and any applicable deletions, Meazure Learning will return your device to you but will not be responsible for the deletion of any materials that may result from the review, whether or not such materials are test materials. By bringing any such device into the test site in violation of Meazure Learning policies, you expressly waive any confidentiality or other similar rights with respect to your device, Meazure Learning's review of the memory of your device, and/or the deletion of any materials. Meazure Learning, the exam site, and the test administration staff are not liable for lost or damaged items brought to the exam site. Any aids for candidates with an injury or disability (e.g., canes, crutches, slings, wheelchairs) may also be inspected.

IMPORTANT: The content, including each question, of this examination is the property of the test provider. The examination content is copyrighted and is strictly confidential information. You are strictly prohibited from retaining, copying, distributing, disclosing, discussing, possessing, or receiving any examination content, including even partial questions, by written, electronic, oral, or other form of communication. This includes, but is not limited to, emailing, copying, or printing of electronic files and reconstructing content through memorization and/or dictation before, during, or after the examination. Doing so may result in disciplinary action, assessment of monetary damages, and legal liability. By proceeding further with the examination process, you are acknowledging and agreeing that you understand these restrictions and the consequences if you break these restrictions.

If you have questions or concerns about security procedures at your test site, contact Meazure Learning immediately, before your exam date.

Be sure to attend my next workshop or get access to the replay! Sept 24, 2023!


Post: Blog2_Post

The credentials CPC®, CRC®, COC®, CPMA®, CPB®, CPPM®, CPCO®, are owned by the AAPC. Medical Coding by Jen does not own the rights to these credentials.

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©2024 by MedicalCodingbyJen This web site is not endorsed by, directly affiliated with, maintained, authorized, or sponsored by any coding organization including, but not limited to, QPro, AHIMA, AAPC, or PMI. All product and company names are the registered trademarks of their original owners. The use of any trade name or trademark is for identification and reference purposes only and does not imply any association with the trademark holder of their product brand. 

CPT® is a registered trademark of the American Medical Association


The US version of ICD-10, created by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), consists of two medical code sets—ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCS.

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